My replies are in color – the minutes in black.

“Bob Croner – Ordinances – Mr. Croner addressed the Council with his concerns that Berlin is a dying town and challenged the Council to save the town. He gave various examples of the economics, demographics, newspaper stories, US 219 being rerouted, etc. as evidence of a dying town. He stated that the Borough already has ordinances in place to take care of clutter on properties, cars being parked in yards, junk cars, and other issues. He stated that America is a free country and citizens could live anywhere they chose, as long as they obey the rules and laws. If they did not like the rules, laws, ordinances, they could get out. He related how the Borough of Confluence had re-invented itself by becoming a destination place as a tourist attraction. The Berlin Borough forefathers may have inadvertently created today’s problem by creating a town that offers cheap living (electric rates, sewer, water, and garbage rates, and housing costs), and thereby attracting a large amount of residents with little or no disposable income. This has been detrimental to local businesses, banks, manufacturing plants, and economic development. He presented several photos of places around town that had clutter in the yard or on porches and decks, junk cars parked on property, a dog kennel in the front yard, etc. He challenged the Council to enforce the ordinances already adopted and enacted by the Borough so that the first, and somewhat inexpensive steps, could be taken toward beautification of the Borough. There was discussion about what could be done and how – there has to be enforcement without a double standard from property owner to property owner.

President Brett Custer thanked Mr. Croner for his presentation and concerns. He stated that different opinions make a Council work harder. This Council has, and will continue to do so, work with the Mayor towards making improvements. Some ordinances may need to be changed or updated. (HOW about the mayor enforcing the ones that are already there? I mean this is his job right?) The current Council is working to make improvements to the Borough as is evidenced by the purchase and installation of the generator project. (OH yes we must get in about the famed generator project- you know the one ONLY the CP did! My opinion is he is self-serving, self-praise! The ONLY thing that has been worked on is the generator project – WHY?) 

Mr. Croner challenged the Council to have some “guts”, serve all residents, and to ask for and demand change in the Borough.” (Well then the CP and the rest of the F4 would have to adhere to the same rules of everyone else! Now we all KNOW that will happen right?)

A few of the properties Mr. Croner was referring to:

Custers log cabin coroner

See how the grass is blown in the street and no sidewalks? Yet the CP owns this one! So why isn’t he fined? If he doesn’t follow the ordinances why should anyone else? 

house by playground coroner

A House near the J B Schrock Playground.. I’d worry about the folks living in the home – they could trip and fall.

old trailer coronertrailer 2 coronor

Now these two building are dangerous! I can’t believe any council or government would let them stay there. I guess Slum is OK according to the F4! They should realize kids use these places for sometimes not so nice activities! And heaven knows druggies would love to hang in there!

Council member Tom Fisher stated that these are not new issues that have just arisen in the last couple of years – that today’s issues have been decades in the making. (Funny how things have only gotten worse Since the LAST 2 councils – in which the CP has risen in control and the secrecy and self serving is becoming more and more intense.)  There is a fine balance in any Council taking action and getting 7 members to agree on a plan of action and enforcement, and the residents co-operating.  (The F4 have no problem voting things there way – just check out the previous minutes! It’s not the rest of the council members OR the public – it is the F4! Majority rules remember. It is their way of deflecting blame or accountability away from them to everyone else! I guess the Councilwoman should make note – they didn’t blame her for this! LOL! ) Most residents do not want to sign their names to complaint forms with the Borough and just want the Borough officials to be the “bad guys”. 

(The public FEAR relation from the F4! The old Basket weaver himself has in the past visited people’s homes – and God Forbid certain Borough Police officers won’t make him leave! In my opinion if these were your landlord and you stood up against them – you’d be out!) 

The last 6-9 months have been better with enforcement of ordinances. (And yet the CP didn’t even obey the snow removal ordnance? Did he get fined? I doubt it! What about his “historical” house? How about ALL the junk at his one building? How about grass NOT being mowed at some of the CP’s properties? I guess it’s easier to go after another council member causing drama than to do the job they were voted to do! You know represent ALL the citizens NOT JUST BE SELF SERVING!) The Council will get together with the Mayor, police, and residents for improvement recommendations. (Good Luck with that!) laughing

President’s Report

2016 Audit – President Custer stated “I am pleased, and it gives me great comfort, that once again the Borough Auditors found no issues with the Borough’s bookkeeping. It shows how fortunate the borough is to have the quality of staff we do. The financial statement will be published in the paper for anyone who wishes to review it.”

(Oh this is RICH! If the auditors would have done anything contrary to the F4 – mostly the CP —well we all remember last year’s fiasco! HOWEVER has anyone EVER asked how much the TOTAL audit from 2015 cost? I mean once you take in to consideration it was NEVER BROUGHT BEFORE COUNCIL AND VOTED ON FOR SECRETARY JONES TO REDO THE AUDIT – which coincidentally was EXACTLY WHAT the CP WANTED! In the Daily American (Berlin officials explain audit By ERIC KIETA  Jul 8, 2016IT STATES, “Looking into it: Jones, who has about 22 years of experience working as an auditor and an accountant, said that after the letter became public, he spent between 80 and 100 hours researching the borough’s finances. He estimated that about $5,000 has been spent by the borough thus far to research the report’s findings. Jones said he expects it to cost as much as $20,000 to field all inquires about it. My questions IS SEC. JONES a CERTIFIED auditor and/or accountant? NO ONE HAS EVER SAID!! DID it COST $20,000 DOLLARS?? WHY hasn’t that information been told? Most townships and Boroughs pay less than $5000, yet Berlin twice! Was it just to appease the CP and the rest of the F4 who were under heat?  

Probably the most contentious issue in the report is that the borough was still charging ppa fees, a surcharge placed on residents’ electric bills to offset costs during times of high energy usage, after paying off a previous debt of nearly $113,000 incurred in January 2014. The report states that the borough had paid that debt and still had a fund balance of more than a quarter million dollars. It suggests the borough return those funds to its customers. “As the ppa is a defined line on the bill it is our interpretation that these funds can only be used for the intended purpose and cannot be diverted for any other purpose (than) to pay for any billings for ppa,” the report states.

(This is WHY the HOUSE BILL No. 1405 presented by: PA State Rep. Aaron Bernstine needs to be passed. It will STOP the municipals who own their electric companies from using the monies for anything else! You know like transferring the monies to the general fund to operate the Borough so property owners don’t pay property taxes – EVERYONE on the electric roles will! So the landlords didn’t lower anyone’s rent so the renters are still paying for it PLUS now everyone is paying – even those out of town limits! Too bad those out of towners have to still pay property in their townships – double jeopardy in my opinion! But who benefits? Maybe it would be the largest property owner/landlord in the borough? You know the CP? Why is that not conflict of interest? Esp when out of the 7 council members 5 are landlords? Of course with no property taxes it will be up to the county to inspect buildings to see if ALL apartments are counted. Common sense says hidden apartments are extra money! Is that one more reason the F4 doesn’t want building permits looked into? The F4 will be fighting hard to defeat HB 1405 because they will have to pay property taxes like they should. Why should renters and customers who live outside the borough have top pay twice as will as have no say in the running of the borough? In my opinion Representative Metzger will NOT be for the bill. His dad started the whole mess in Berlin… I do plan on posting the bill so everyone can read it. Just call other representatives in the state and tell them of your experience – I’ll have numbers and emails!

Well this is it for today; I’ll do the rest tomorrow or the next day! Reason being is the whole comment on ordinances by the ole CP! Until then think on the information in this post – this is why a NEW COUNCIL is needed!


watching you


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